Here is just a few life and fashion lessons I have learned over 2017!
I've learned that "me time" is important. And "me time" doesn't include answering emails or doing anything other than sitting down and watching tv or watching a YouTube video.
I am a very social person, I never have lunch with the same person two days in a row usually, and I love that and as social as I am I love my alone time.
I am fortunate enough to have a single in my sorority dorm block, so it is nice to see my sisters for an hour or so and then have some time by myself.
I have learned that alone time is healthy, it's where I can think and recharge.
I have also seen that if I stay by myself too much though I get lonely, and that isn't fun.
I have tried to find a good balance between alone time and time with friends, but I am still going to continue to find that perfect balance.
I have also seen that if I stay by myself too much though I get lonely, and that isn't fun.
I have tried to find a good balance between alone time and time with friends, but I am still going to continue to find that perfect balance.
This year, I have continued to learn how to go outside my comfort zone.
Believe it or not, but I went camping in a tent in the woods!
And it wasn't "glamping!"
And it wasn't "glamping!"
It was something I have never done before and I was so proud of myself for doing something different.
I also went outside my comfort zone in my fashion choices! I continue to surprise myself and make a statement in my clothes.
I have always loved two piece matching sets but I have always been nervous to wear them.
So the fact that I did a photoshoot in this one and wore it without a bra, major props to me for going outside my comfort zone!
Friendships are two way streets. Point blank. I've continued to learn this lesson over the years. But if someone doesn't want to be friends with you don't waste your time trying to put in effort if they don't put in the same amount of effort. Hate to say it, but that goes with family members too.
I've learned in my few years of life that you will learn who your real friends are, really fast. Your friends will stick by you if you are your crazy, goofy, loud self.
They will even listen to you nag them about going to see Rainbow Row in Charleston just so you can get the perfect blog pictures!
They will even listen to you nag them about going to see Rainbow Row in Charleston just so you can get the perfect blog pictures!
I think I am much more confident in college about my body, my style and boys than I ever was growing up. But I become a bit sensitive about if girls in my sorority like me or not. And I learned that I can’t care about what others think. And I still need to continue to work on that.
I obviously didn't care what others thought of me when I wore this very loud and crazy flamenco like shirt to class in the spring. I love this shirt and I wasn't going to let anyone tell me otherwise!
I obviously didn't care what others thought of me when I wore this very loud and crazy flamenco like shirt to class in the spring. I love this shirt and I wasn't going to let anyone tell me otherwise!
I'm continuing to be spontaneous!
Go to that party that you got invited to on a whim. Go watch a movie with your friends on a school night!
Those are some things I told myself to do this past year.
And I had the most wonderful time being spontaneous!
Go to that party that you got invited to on a whim. Go watch a movie with your friends on a school night!
Those are some things I told myself to do this past year.
And I had the most wonderful time being spontaneous!
I'm more spontaneous now than I used to be, but I am still working on not having my life planned out all the time. I'm working on being more flexible!
I learned this one last year but I am continually applying this lesson to my life now.
I've learned that sleep is a beautiful thing.
Knock on wood, I didn't get sick at all this year. This fall semester I had a little head cold, but nothing that restricted me from going to class. It was great! So even though I go to bed at 9:30pm on a Sunday night, and I feel like a grandma, I've learned that if I want to stay healthy, and be productive and efficient with my work I need to SLEEP!
I've learned that sleep is a beautiful thing.
Knock on wood, I didn't get sick at all this year. This fall semester I had a little head cold, but nothing that restricted me from going to class. It was great! So even though I go to bed at 9:30pm on a Sunday night, and I feel like a grandma, I've learned that if I want to stay healthy, and be productive and efficient with my work I need to SLEEP!
I've learned to never settle for anything in life. I'm learning to never settle for a boy!
Never settle for your body!
I learned that I am not a big fan of working out. But when I do workout I feel good! I have found workouts I like, like pilates and spin classes and when I do them I feel so good!
I have learned that there is no such thing as too many friends.
At the beginning of this semester I thought I could only be friends with my sorority sisters.
Not that I ditched my old friends but I just thought I had to be friends with only my sorority sisters. I learned yet again, that it is not healthy to just be friends with one group.
Sorority sisters are great and will always be there for you, but at the end of the day, being best friends with all the girls in your sorority is nice but not essential to happiness in life.
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One of the oldest lessons that continues to play a huge role in my life is, "you can do anything you put your mind to."
That applied to me getting a job for the summer, increasing my following on T&P, learning how to take great Instagram photos, making my blog a success and making honor roll at school!
Another very redundant lesson, but something that I have yet again really learned this year. It's not about quantity of friends but rather quality.
It's about finding friends that will make you go outside your comfort zones and make you go to the top of the Empire State building and make you feel like a tourist in your own state.
It's about finding friends that will make you go outside your comfort zones and make you go to the top of the Empire State building and make you feel like a tourist in your own state.
I've learned to appreciate my parents more.
I see how much they have done for me and how much they care for me.
I have seen how hard they have worked and sacrificed so I can fulfill my dreams, like going to Wake!
I've also learned to appreciate the food my mother cooks me, because nothing is as good as a home cooked meal.
I've learned to be a little less open with people that I have just met. I have learned to put up my barrier a bit when necessary to protect myself and my feelings.
I think I am the queen of being cheesy in this blog post right now, but honestly, I've learned how to continue to be true to myself.
Be confident.
I have known for being very extra and over the top, but that's just who I am!
I was the only one to wear a non floppy hat to the Camden Cup and I loved it! It was so me and it was great!
I love to wear heels to parties and I do even when my date is shorter than me! I have continued to learn that I am my best self when I am being true to myself.
I've learned that it is SO okay to cry.
I don't cry enough anymore.
I always think that I am too busy to cry and that I have too much to do.
Or that I never want to mess up my makeup!
My friends cry all the time, and they admit that they cry and I wish I could be more like them.
I wish I could let my guard down more and know that it is totally okay to be not okay!
I have finally learned that doctors aren't that scary. And that they really are trying to help you.
I have gone to so many doctors appointments this year, I can't even count. I am very fortunate that I have the ability to go to many doctors and that I am fortunate enough to be very healthy despite all the doctors.
I am finally a big girl and can go to the doctors all by myself without crying!
It sounds silly but this was a big step for me.
I have learned yet again that you have to listen to your heart and your head.
Your heart is great and all, but sometimes you need to take a step back and realize that your head is high on your shoulders for a reason and can point you in a better direction sometimes than your heart. Your head is smart. And so is your heart. But you need to use both your heart and head wisely.
My head has never let me down in realizing that white button downs never go out of style.
I've learned that you can't be young forever, so if you've got it, flaunt it!
I've learned to do what makes you happy! Seriously!!
Cheesy but so true!
Eat what you want to eat, love who you want to love, workout when you want to, and see friends that make you laugh.
Be unapologetic for being happy and doing things that make you happy.
With that being said, if you don’t like something about yourself, your environment or your life, CHANGE IT!
I am so serious. The amount of times I have told friends, "we are in college, and if we aren't happy we need to do something about it," is a lot. And I honestly, swear by this lesson.
Even if you aren't in college, this is YOUR LIFE! If you don't like something about it, DO SOMETHING!
I've learned that love is a beautiful thing. It will come when you least expect it and it will swipe you off your feet and then when you least expect it again, make you fall back and hit the ground hard. Love is a crazy phenomenon. I am so blessed to feel so much love from my family and friends. I know that in time we will all find the right person who loves us for all the right reasons.
I've continued to learn that laughter is the healthiest medicine.
And that there is nothing better than NY at Christmas time.
And that there is nothing better than NY at Christmas time.
Life is a learning curve and I am going to continue to learn this next year. I can't wait for the exciting opportunities my life has and all the plans and unplanned things too!
You can read my last year's Year in Review HERE and see how much I have changed as a student, blogger, friend and person.
Happy New Year!
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