After months and months of planning and being stressed for Kappa Delta’s Spring White Rose Formal, it is all over.
I hosted formal on Friday night at the Millennium center in downtown Winston-Salem.
I planned the photo booth, the chocolate fountain, the photographer, the tables with green table cloths and white roses, and stuffed the 250 goody bags (with some help from my friends)!
It was a lot of work and as stressed as I was, it was a big success and overall, I really enjoyed planning it.
I wanted to make formal the best event ever for the seniors, because it was their last KD formal.
I also wanted to make it the most extravagant event ever because it was my last one as date function chair. I wanted to go out with a bang! I think I did!
I know all of the seniors had so much fun!
I know they all appreciated my hard work in planning formal because I got so many compliments all night about it and even after it.
I know they all appreciated my hard work in planning formal because I got so many compliments all night about it and even after it.
They loved the food and the decorations and especially the photographer!
It was a bittersweet formal.
I was so happy that all the seniors had so much fun but kind of sad that it was my last formal as date function chair.
Date function chair was very stressful at times and also not fun a lot of the time, but I really enjoyed being in charge and planning the parties. (Click HERE to read my complaints but my love for my role as date function chair.)
It was nice that I got to enjoy myself at formal! I really did have so much fun!
I was the least stressed I’ve been at any date function all year.
I got to dance with all of my friends AND I had the sweetest date who wanted to help me hand out the goody bags!
It was also so nice that I got so many compliments on my dress!
I loved the color and the style! It was a big hit!
I loved the color and the style! It was a big hit!
I found this dress a couple of months ago and I tried to order it several times but it kept going out of stock, so one day before class, I just checked and there was an 8 in stock, the only one LEFT! So I bought it super quick. So the dress was a bit big because I am a very solid size 6 but fashion tape definitely helped a lot!
This dress definitely requires fashion tape/double stick tape.
If I didn’t have any tape, I would’ve flashed a lot of many people.
So, I would 10/10 recommend Hollywood Fashion Secrets tape. It stayed in place the whole night without having to put more on or restick it.
I would also 10/10 recommend these shoes from Public Desire!
They are so easy to walk in because of the short chunky heel.
They are so easy to walk in because of the short chunky heel.
They do not hurt your legs because of all the straps I promise.
I was going to order these shoes in black but I thought black was a bit boring! I love the orange because it is more fun! It makes the dress more interesting because the dress is so simple.
These shoes are such a statement, I'm sure they will look great in the summer when I'm in the Hamptons, New York City and Italy!!
Formal was a big hit! I had so much fun and I can’t wait for next spring formal when I don’t have to be in charge because I know I will have even more fun then!!
J Crew gold hoop earrings