I’ve loved Wake since the moment I met her. There have been some rough times where my love was questioned and challenged, but in the end, I am deeply and thoroughly in love with mother so dear.
I am sad to say that I only have about twenty days left at mother so dear until I am gone for seven months!
It’s going to be a long seven months without my true love, lol. But I'm sure I will have an amazing time abroad, even though I will miss my beautiful school.
I am going to miss my beautiful campus and all of the wonderful people on campus.
I especially love this weather right now and the cherry blossom trees!!! Omg look how amazing they are!
And see how my pink shoes and pink mani match the trees? Planned? Maybe…
So much beauty and so much love here at Wake and I am going to deeply miss my amazing school.
H&M white ruffle shirt
American Eagle tall high waisted skinny jeans
DSW pink flats
Ray-Ban classic black and gold aviators
Tory Burch double pearl earrings
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