Tuesday, April 21, 2020

What it is REALLY Like to be in a Sorority at Wake Forest

The hard facts: 
Roughly 50-60% of girls at Wake Forest go Greek. There are only 8 sororities on campus.
Girls rush in their second semester of freshman year

Rushing at Wake is not like other southern schools. It is only a week your second semester freshman year, and it is intense, but it is not as cut throat as you all may think. 

Unfortunately, not every girl gets a spot in a sorority. Each year every sorority takes roughly 50 girls.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t be friends with someone if they choose not to rush, or if they don’t get selected.
One of my best friends Kate, is in APO, the largest co-ed service fraternity in America. She never was interested in Greek rush. My other bestie, Alyssa, also did not go Greek.

Just because you join or don’t join a sorority, doesn’t mean you can’t be friends with girls in other sororities.
That’s why I love Wake rush process because I still stayed best friends with Emily and Caroline even though they went into a different sorority than me.

I have made some wonderful friends in all the different chapters on campus. 

I have also made the best friends in my chapter.
I am so blessed to be best friends with my little, Lauren. I am also very close to my lineage and love them all so dearly. 
Two of my suitemates from this year, Zoe and Bella are KD’s!
Sophomore year I lived on the KD halls in Davis Residence Hall and lived with sooo many of my sorority sisters.
Erin is my blonde bestie from the south!

I also have my loving and loud pledge class!
I always have a class with at least one or two of them each semester. 
Every day on campus, I see the girls from my pledge class and always get a “Hello Elizabeth Guariglia” from across the quad. Or I always have another sorority sister shouting at me about T&P on my walk to class. I feel like my pledge class is very inclusive. Every weekend we would make plans to go out together as a whole big 50-person group and everyone was invited and welcome!

But if I’m going to be honest, I am not best friends with everyone in my pledge class or my chapter! I am polite and everyone is polite to me, but it is ultimately impossible to be best friends and close with 200 girls.
In the past, I’ve bumped heads with some of my sorority sisters, but that is also inevitable. We can’t all agree on everything. But that’s what makes the world go ‘round!
But, even if I don’t know the pronunciation of everyone’s last name or where they’re from, if I see a familiar face across the way, they will definitely say hi to me and I will say hi to them. I can promise you that!

I’m sure you will be shocked to hear this, as all of my friends from home were, but I can promise you when I say this, but I was not hazed! Yes, really. I promise.
I would NEVER stick with a sorority that made me do things I wasn’t comfortable doing...
I hope you all know me well enough to trust me when I say that.

Kappa Delta has given me the most wonderful experiences.
I have grown as a leader and I am truly more confident because of Kappa Delta.
I was on the Social Media Committee, I served as date function chair, I served on the Girl Scout Committee, I was a SET leader, and I worked on the Shamrock 5k Committee. I was also Assistant VP of PR, and I held a leadership role in recruitment for the past two years.

I’ve learned to multi-task; problem solve and really be a strong leader because of KD.
Without KD and the uplifting and supportive group of women I have met and surrounded myself with for the past three and a half years, I would still be a little shy and a little scared of everything just how I was before I went KD my freshman year.
I am now confident to speak my mind, and stand up for what I believe in.

Kappa Delta’s at Wake are the smartest (highest Greek organization GPA on campus last semester), most hardworking, diligent, genuine, supportive (shout-out to all my KD T&P fans) and loving people I know!

I feel truly blessed to be a KD and I can’t wait to see where KD takes me in my adult life.



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