Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Safe, Socially Distant, FREE and Fun Activities you can do in Chicago or in any City

As stated in my last blog post, for the first two weeks of June, I was staying with my boyfriend and his family in Illinois.

Right before I left, we decided to go into Chicago to walk around and explore.
I went to Chicago last summer for the first time to visit him, so we had already done most of the touristy stuff, so this second time was just to walk around and get out of the house.
Here are some of the fun, FREE and SAFE things we did in Chicago.

1.         Outdoor dining. Our first stop was the famous Giordano’s pizza. I had deep dish for the first-time last year after a Cubs game, so this time we went for thin crust, not as good as New York pizza, but still delicious.

2.         Explore and sight see! We then walked off the pizza and went to Millennium Park. The Bean was all closed off. We couldn’t really get close to it, but it was nice that the park was still open and very well crowd controlled. We then walked to Buckingham Fountain, which was completely drained and sad looking. We then walked along the lake front and got stopped by a very nice police officer who told us that technically the lake front was closed but that we weren’t going to get in trouble. Oops. We kept walking and tried to walk to the planetarium, but that was all closed off too. We walked down Michigan Ave, the 5th Ave of NYC, and saw all the luxury stores all boarded up. It was super creepy. There were also cops everywhere. We also walked around Navy Pier.

3.         Picnic in a park. I think this is by-far my favorite quarantine activity. We found a park with lots of dogs and kids running around and we ate takeout sushi. We picnicked two other days too.

4.         Outdoor/rooftop bar. We went for dinks on top of London House. One of the prettiest hotels in the city with the best views of the city. This is my boyfriend’s favorite spot. It was stunning.

5.         Murals or outdoor art. Chicago is known for amazing murals. I love the blogger Jenn Lake, also known as Style Charade. A while back I found one of her blog posts that listed every mural, she has ever taken pictures in front of in Chicago, so my boyfriend and I decided it would be a fun activity to find them and take pictures in front of them. I picked out 10, with 10 different outfits, for quick changes in the car, and we only were able to find 3. Some of them were painted over, and no longer existed. It was a fun activity, and I would definitely recommend mural hunting in Chicago or another big city!


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