Monday, October 26, 2020

I’m Jealous of my Friends and their 9-5 Lives

I have two weeks left of class and 3 big tests coming up.

Now is the time I get a bit burnt out and wish that I lived the 9-5 lifestyle like most of my friends.

After finishing undergrad online and taking my classes pass/fail, it has been a while since I did any strenuous work. It was stressful in other ways.

My summer wasn’t really a summer and then my first semester of law school started sooner than I was prepared for.

From August 11 until now, I have been go go go.

It was really hard being motivated in the beginning of the semester. I was up late studying, and all of my friends were relaxing on the couch, watching tv, and I was studying all day every day.

Once I got into the swing of things and found some friends in my class (6 amazingly smart women btw) I finally felt more motivated.

I also talked about it with my new friends and they said that we would be a lot more jealous if our working friends could actually be going out and having fun, but instead most of our 9-5 friends are still living at home and working remotely. Sad.

I also reminded myself that I have always dreamed of being a lawyer, for as long as I can remember. Literally, the only way I can fulfill my dream is to continue my education and go to school for 3 more years.

Although I’m tired and worn out, I know that this is the only way to get where I want to be in my career.

So yes, I’m still a bit jealous of my friends, especially when school gets stressful, but I think they might be more jealous of me when I graduate in 3 years with a Juris Doctorate and a big salary in the bank.


Don’t give up! Remember, if you want it to happen you are going to have to make it happen, even if it takes long nights, tears and missing out on some fun.


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