I graduated from Wake Forest University in May 2020 with a double major in English and French studies. When trying to figure out my majors, I went through many changes. I originally thought I was going to be a poly-sci major because that's what I thought you needed to have to go to law school. My dad also pushed me to study poly-sci because that’s what he thought I needed to succeed for law school. But I quickly learned that that was not the case. I also learned that I had no interest in politics, so it wasn’t going to work for me.
Now that I’m in my last semester of law school, I realized that you can literally major in anything you want and be successful in law school.

I decided to be an English major because I realized my love of communication and my love of writing and reading. Those last two passions are super important for law school.
Traditionally, law students study liberal arts before going to law school, and there are a handful of science majors, but I don't think it matters what you major in to go to law school.
However, I am biased and I truly find that English majors are the perfect majors for law school because all I do is read and write every single day for hours on end.
I think my English degree helped me become a critical reader and a critical analyzer in everything I read and that skill has really helped me in law school.
I also think that all of my reading assignments at Wake Forest, which we also call Work Forest, because the workload, was extremely strenuous. Even for a student like myself, coming from a top high school in New York, it was a ton of work. I think the reading assignments in general, as well as just being at Wake Forest was really beneficial in helping my stamina when it came to law school.
I've said this once, I'll say it again, I think my high school fully prepared me for Wake Forest with the workload. And I truly feel that Wake Forest prepared me for a law school with the workload. In regard to rigor and amount of work.
I had many classmates my first semester of law school totally blindsided by the amount of work we had to do, and I truly felt that it was the same amount of work that I had in undergrad, which I really appreciated, even though it was exhausting and difficult. It was a lot. But more normal for me than it was for any of my other classmates, and I truly believe that is because of my degree and the university I went to.
I loved my majors and I am so happy I picked them. I truly think they helped prepare me for law school. I think English majors are the perfect majors for law school.
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