Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
Classes I Took in Law School
One of my most popular blog posts to date is about the classes I took during my four years at Wake Forest.
I thought I would do the same and share the classes I took in law school.
Unlike my Night at the Museum class and French Conversation class in undergrad, most of the classes in law school were pretty dry topics (sorry, just speaking the truth) even though they were super important classes.
Unlike undergrad, the classes for your first year and a half of law school is set for you, even your schedule is set of when you are taking those classes, without any say.
To graduate from an accredited law school there are certain classes you must take. All of these topics will be tested on the Bar Exam. Every law school also mandates some classes that the ABA does not require law students to take, so it might be a little different for you if you are at a different law school. Also, other law schools assign different classes for different semesters, so this was my schedule, but it may be different than yours.
1L: All required classes. I did not get to pick when I took them.
Civil Procedure: How to file a case in court, in which court, discovery, how to get to trial and what to do once you are at trial
Criminal Law: All the crimes: homicide, inchoate crimes, crimes against property, you get the idea
Legal Writing: Objective memo, research on Lexis and Westlaw, complaint
Torts: Intentional torts (battery, assault), negligence, strict liability
Contracts: Offer, acceptance, consideration, statute of frauds, merchants, UCC
Property: Real property, intellectual property, acquired land, interests in land
Constitutional Law 1: From the beginning of the United States
Legal Writing 2: Appellate Brief
2L: Constitutional Law 2 and Foundational Lawyering Skills were required classes, the rest were electives.
Business Organizations: Partnerships, corporations, LLCs, Federal Security law, shareholders
Constitutional Law 2: Equal protection, fundamental rights, state action, freedom of religion
Foundational Lawyering Skills: How to take interview witnesses, how to take depositions, how to give closing arguments
Externship + Seminar: Highly recommended! Read more about externships HERE!
Family Court Review Journal + Seminar: I got two credits for being on my journal and working on my student note
Spring: Evidence and Ethics were required for graduation, but we could take them anytime in our 2nd or 3rd year
Evidence: How to get evidence into (or kept out of ) court: hearsay, impeachment, character evidence
Family Court Review Journal: I got two credits to continue to write my student note
Externship + Seminar
Ethics: Model Rules of Professional Conduct, which sets you up to take the MPRE
Fall: (My favorite semester of law school)
Wills, Trusts and Estates: How to convey property, rule of perpetuities
Social Media and the Law: Content ownership, social media and hiring, social media service of process, social media discovery, juror use of social media, free speech, advertising/FTC rules
Law and the Role of In-House Counsel: Attorney client privilege in-house, regulations, who is liable, self-reporting, press relations, internal investigations, negotiating deals
Mediation Seminar: Different modes of mediation and alternative dispute resolution
Entertainment Law: Royalty agreements, manager agreements, content licensing, work for hire, negotiations
Family Court Review Journal: Two credits to be an Articles Editor
Trial Techniques: Read more about this class HERE
Criminal Procedure 1: Search and seizure, stop and frisk, right to counsel, Miranda rights
National Security Law: Powers of the President, Guantanamo Bay, Drone Strikes
Perspectives: Pre-Bar Exam prep
Intellectual Property Colloquium: Copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents
Family Court Review Journal: Two credits to be an Articles Editor
And that’s it folks! If you have any questions about what professors I had or would recommend (or not) feel free to reach out and we can chat.
Shop my outfit below (contains affiliate links):

Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Monday, June 12, 2023
Jazz Age Lawn Party on Governors Island
A little party never killed nobody.
On Saturday, we transported from 2023 to 1923 on Governors Island for the Jazz Age Lawn Party.
I have been wanting to go to this roaring 20s themed party for years now. Last year we had a last-minute family event come up and the year before the party was canceled because of Covid.
This year was the year!
The Jazz Age Lawn Party is a picnic party with live music and dancing on Governors Island. There are two dance floors with live jazz music. Surrounding the dance floors are picnickers, tents selling hats and vintage accessories and food trucks. There were even some vintage cars on display to pose with.
We brought our picnic materials before heading to the island.
You are allowed to bring in food, but not drinks to the roped off section of the island, but you can find a way… You can buy drinks and food at the event too.
I went for a day style 1920s dress (I wanted to look like I stepped out of an episode of Downton Abbey), accessorized with a hat, pearls, parasol and a make-shift bob (I watched this video and put my own spin on it).
I highly recommend wearing closed toe shoes. It was very dusty and dirty. I actually pulled out my old character shoes from my days in the theater department.
We spent most of our time lounging on our picnic blanket and on the main dance floor watching people Lindy Hop. The music was great. It was such a fun event. Most people dressed up and got into character. It was a great people watching event.
I really felt like I was back in the 1920s.
My friends and I really enjoyed the day. We wish there was more explanation about what type of dance should be danced during each type of song, but besides we had a great time.
If you want to go, there is going to be a 2nd weekend this year in August, on Governors Island.
Also, if you haven’t been to Governors Island, you are missing out. It is my favorite place in NYC.
Sunday, June 11, 2023 / 1000 Hempstead Tpke, Hempstead, NY 11549, USA
Law School Graduation: Class of 2023
On Monday, May 22, I fulfilled my lifelong dream of graduating law school. This week I completed a big step towards the ultimate goal of becoming an attorney (the following major step is the Bar Exam).
The saying is true: “the first year: they scare you to death, the second year: they work you to death and the third year: they bore you to death.”
The first year was terrifying. Cold calling, one exam for the whole semester, bell curve, and COVID. It was scary for more than one reason, but I got the hang of it. Living at home, having good friends nearby and a built-in support system definitely helped throughout all three years, but especially the first year when I was adjusting to a new school. There was an adjustment, but thankfully it wasn’t too difficult, all thanks to my alma matter, Wake “Work” Forest. Wake really prepared me well to continue to work hard.
The second year, I was worked to death. I have never been more stressed in my entire life. There was so much work I didn’t know how to do it all. I felt up to my ears in reading and writing. I was externing, writing my student note for my journal, editing footnotes for other articles and I was a TA. The fall of my second year was all about survival mode. Thinking back on that semester makes me sad. I have never been so miserable in my entire life. But when spring came around, the work lessened.
The last year, I was partially bored, and extremely stressed. To be honest, the last year of law school seems like a bit of a waste. Most of the required classes you need to graduate have been completed by your last year. So, my fall semester I took FUN and easy classes. I took a social media law class, entertainment law and mediation. I will be sharing a post in the coming weeks listing out all the classes I took in detail, like I did for Wake, HERE. This semester was my best semester academically. And then the spring semester started off fine, got extremely stressful with lots of tears and anxiety over finding a job, and then the stress subsided after I accepted a position!
As Sarah Jessica Parker would say, “and just like that,” it was over.
It was three hard, both mentally and emotionally, years but at the same time highly rewarding. The academics were rigorous, but I learned so much. I have never felt smarter than I do now. I also learned so much about myself.
While I was in the thick of it, I would say I would not recommend law school to anyone. And to be honest, I wouldn’t recommend it to “anyone.” I would only recommend it to a very select group of people that have the grit, determination, drive and perseverance to join the J.D. club.
I would do it again if I had to, but I am so glad I don’t! As my mom used to remind me, it is a means to an end. If you want to be an attorney, this is what you must do.
And after three years we celebrated!
My parents threw a backyard party for me on Sunday and then on Monday, I graduated from Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University.
I was awarded Gold Distinction in Public Service for more than 750 hours of pro bono work.
Our elected graduation speaker was Professor Sample, one of my favorites. The Honorable Letitia James, Attorney General of New York was our commencement speaker.
I shed some tears as the President of the school conferred upon my class our degrees and when she said, “you are now entitled to all the rights, privileges and opportunities afforded to you by your degree.” It hit me! That was it! I was officially a law school graduate. Law school was over.
I also teared up as the Dean of the law school asked us to stand and face our parents, family and friends to say “thank you” for all their support over the past three years and all the years before.
And then it was time for our five seconds of fame. My favorite professor, who I TAed for hugged me and hooded me when my name was horribly butchered. I crossed the stage, was handed my diploma and waved to my family and friends.
You can watch the full ceremony here!
It is with great pride and honor that I share that I am now Elizabeth Mary Guariglia, J.D. My lifelong dream of graduating law school is complete. Thank you to all my family, friends, professors, mentors and the T&P Fam for their love and support throughout all my years of academia but especially these last three!
Next stop: Bar Exam!

Friday, June 9, 2023
Five Friday Favorites | 48 | Cheap Broadway Tickets, Peloton Workout Classes, Athletic Shorts for Tall Girls & More
1. And Just Like That on HBO- I know I am the last one to watch this show, but it’s amazing. I was nervous it wasn’t going to be as good as the original Sex and the City, as a spin off, but it is. The clothes are incredible. The show feels like a continuation of the original. Highly recommend.
2. Lucky Seat- Do you want to see Broadway shows for cheap? Sign up for the daily lottery on Lucky Seat and you can score $40 tickets the day before the show. Lauren won two tickets a couple of weeks ago, and we saw Book of Mormon, front right mezzanine for $40 each. Book of Mormon is available, as well as Moulin Rouge (my personal favorite! I’ve seen it twice), Hades Town and Funny Girl (with Leah Michelle).
3. Peloton App- I love the Peloton spin classes but the Peloton App offers so much more. There are amazing HITT classes, running classes, strength training (with and without weights), barre, Pilates, dance cardio, boxing, muscle specific workouts and more. I love the app! Highly recommend trying it out for effective workouts. Peloton has a free version of their App, and then paid versions. Test it out!
4. Abercrombie athletic shorts- I did not own a single pair of athletic shorts until now. I was going on a walk one day, and Alex asked me why I wasn’t wearing shorts; I had on a pair of cropped leggings. I told him, I don’t own a pair. He asked if I wore leggings even when it is really hot out, my answer: yes. I was blessed with super long legs which means some clothes are very hard to find. Shorts is one category of clothing I have difficulty with. Shorts rarely come in “tall” and are not made for ladies with my length of legs. I ordered this pair and this pair from Aerie, and they were unsuccessful. Too short in the back and they cut me off on a weird spot on my thighs. Now comes Abercrombie shorts. I ordered this pair of split shorts for running and this pair of ultra high waisted workout shorts. Round of applause Abercrombie. I love their leggings. They are the only leggings I wear for all my work outs, but now I have shorts to wear too! The splits are short, but not too short, and they are flattering. The other shorts are not too short in the back or in the front, on my thighs. So good! I am now a proud owner of three pairs of shorts!
5. California- I absolutely loved visiting California. It was beautiful. There is no other state like it in the US. The food was delicious and so was the wine. Check out my new blog post all about our trip, as I continue to dream about the west coast.