On October 31, 2023, I wrote, “I have to say I got really emotional walking to work this morning because I was like wow my lifelong dream of being an attorney in NYC is actually real life now and today, I wore my suit and heels like I always imagined walking down a city block going to court …. Like little Elizabeth would be so so proud.”
On March 27, 2024, a couple of months after writing that, at the young age of 25, I took the oath of attorney and was sworn into the legal profession. Little Elizabeth is so proud.
Everything I had worked for and dreamed of for my entire life had culminated to that point.

I bought a new suit, colored, because Elle Woods would have it no other way, even though I wasn’t brave enough to wear pink, and took the day off.
My parents and I headed past my office in Manhattan to 45 Monroe Street in Brooklyn to the Second Department Appellate Division for my swearing in ceremony.
This is the most beautiful courthouse in such a beautiful area of Brooklyn.
I changed into my Sarah Flint Perfect Pumps when I got there.
All 30+ applicants and I walked into the courtroom, took our oath and then stood and listened to the justices speak about how we were beginning our journeys into a very well esteemed profession, just as many presidents and vice presidents had. It was a beautiful speech about how we should always take the high road, and never send an email angry. The justices invited us to turn around and face our parents and loved ones, because without them, we would not be having this special day. It was a lovely speech, that I had a difficult time paying attention to because I was so sweaty, nervous and shaking.
My mom later asked me why I was nervous, as this was the easiest part of it all. I had gotten into law school, passed all my classes, took all my tests, passed the bar exam, got a job and then this was the FINAL step.
I guess it was an overwhelming feeling of “wow finally, everything is coming to fruition.” After 20+ years of school, this was it.
I tried to hold back tears as I focused on not passing out.
After the 25 minutes of standing, we sat down, and then we were called up one by one to sign the book.
I signed the book and officially became an attorney!
We celebrated with lunch at our favorite restaurant in midtown, Patsy’s Italian, over some pasta and glasses of wine.
The next day, I felt different. I felt official.
My first day as an official attorney, my first day as Esquire.
I felt great until I was scolded by a mean judge in the Bronx. My first day as Esquire and I was already punished, I guess that’s the legal profession for you. It was a true rite of passage.
Once I got back to the office, my coworkers showered me in sweet words and excitement. They even bought me a cake! I felt so loved from them, my family, friends and all of you!
I am over the moon that I am now officially an attorney. When I imagined my future self 20 years ago, it was definitely the life I am living now, as an attorney, wearing suits and heels, walking down the streets of Manhattan, and I am stunned and amazed that that dream came true.
Thank you as always to my family, friends, boyfriend, mentors and anyone that has cheered me on along my journey.
It has been a pleasure and a joy to share my life with you all on this side of the internet!
One big dream down, what’s next?!
Shop my swearing in outfit below (contains affiliate links):
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