Friday, August 2, 2024

Five Friday Favorites | 78 | Currently Watching on Netflix

netflix, movies, film, tv shows, series, five friday favs, five fri favs

 1.          Bridgerton- The newest season of Bridgerton is by far the best season. Penelope is absolutely adorable and her story of empowering women is so good. I love how Bridgerton incorporates tropes from Romeo and Juliet and Pride and Prejudice.

2.          Unlocked- This Netflix show had such an interesting concept. It’s about unlocking the doors at a jail to see how inmates interact and how they can act like members of society. 

3.          A Family Affair- I absolutely love Zac Efron. His new movie on Netflix was actually pretty funny and entertaining.

4.          Molly’s Game- This movie is so well done. It’s based on a true story about a very smart woman who got involved in gambling.

5.         Homicide NYC- I love true crime podcasts and shows. Usually, it’s a bit eerie to learn about crimes in your backyard, but this documentary style series on Netflix was so interesting and educational. I learned so much about how the NYPD functions.


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